Facebook Advertising Services

Our expert team works to leverage lucrative results, using data to fuel your strategy.

Facebook Lead Ads were first launched in 2015 and they are one of the most efficient ways to generate leads. Relinquishing the need for a landing page, lead ads allow you to keep the user on Facebook whilst obtaining important information such as their name, email address and phone number.

Most importantly, you can also qualify leads through the use of custom questions. This is great for service based businesses who want to find out more information about potential customers before they pick up the phone and speak to them.

Here at The Good Marketer, we can help you create a lead generation campaign that is designed to reach people at the right time, across any device including mobile. Our innovative Facebook Marketing Agency works to understand your goals and deliver meaningful results.

With over one billion active users every month, Facebook Messenger has become an integral part of Social Networking. With so many people using the app, it was only a matter of time before Facebook introduced a way for businesses to capitalise on this audience and start to generate revenue.

Marketing through Messenger works because it offers a personalised approach. Its conversational nature means it's now outperforming email for some businesses; with an incredible 80% open rate and an average 40% increase in click-through rates.

Facebook Remarketing can have a BIG impact on a business. Delivering immediate results - as a customer who has previously visited your website or engaged with your ad is 70% more likely to convert and purchase!

Whaaaat?! We know! And it's because of the power of the mighty Facebook Pixel. By installing it on your website or app we can use it to leverage your business in SO many ways:

  • By targeting anyone who visited your website within the last 180 days. This is fantastic if you want to re-engage people who may have forgotten about you or remind recent website visitors of products they've viewed and not yet purchased.
  • By tracking the activity on your website; from when a product is added to the basket or a visitor has signed up to your email list. All aspects of your website can be tracked - and we can then leverage this in our campaigns to drive sales and sign-ups.
  • By finding more people who may buy your products or enquire about your services so you can quickly grow your business.

Dynamic Product Ads are one of the most powerful ways for E-Commerce brands to drive revenue and increase their ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend).

To explain: Have you ever been on Amazon, viewed a product, then checked your Facebook page? If so, did you immediately see the product you'd been looking at? That's a Dynamic Product Ad!

Send ‘gentle' reminders…

With this type of campaign, you benefit from the ability to personalise Facebook ads for your business and remind people of items they've not yet purchased. You can also draw further revenue from customers by targeting them with products that are similar to those already viewed or purchased.

They provide a reminder of already seen, but forgotten items - and the ability to show those customers similar products. So our team can create results-driven campaigns that find your ideal customer by showing them adverts relevant to products they've previously viewed. And we achieve this by understanding you, your business and your potential customers, and using the right tools to design effective Facebook product ads, and get you the desired results.

We like to think of it as ‘part magic/part technology'!

The Facebook Pixel is an invaluable analytics tool (code) created by Facebook gurus. And The Good Marketer team use it to great effect when building targeted campaigns to get you more business.

By installing it on your website (don't worry, we can take care of that for you!) the Pixel can assist us by monitoring visitors to your site and using that data to help us track conversions from Facebook Ads for your business. Simply, having this intelligence at our fingertips helps us target the right audiences for your future ads, and remarket to those who've already visited your site.

It's useful because it lets us know they're interested in what you offer (or they wouldn't have visited your site to begin with, right?). But what's SO smart is that we can now put your products in front of the customers who, for whatever reason, didn't take that final step and purchase or book the first time around. It could have been for any number of reasons; but what's important is we can now talk to them again and remind them you're still here and still have something great to offer them!