FAQ Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I work with The Good Marketer?

Just because we're a digital marketing agency in Delhi, it doesn't mean we can't help your business wherever you are in the India and wherever your audience is in the world. We run campaigns at all levels and completely understand the needs and challenges of running a small business! Our experience across a broad spectrum of digital marketing platforms means we have the experience and the know-how to get the job done.

How Long Has The Care Deal Marketing Been An Agency?

Although we might not have been around in the industry for as long as some of our competitors, we actually think that is a good thing. We're open to new ideas and have invested in our experienced talent in order to provide the best service for all our clients. To get a better idea about this, read our reviews as they simply speak for themselves!

What Makes Us Different From Other Digital Marketing Agencies in Delhi?

Our core values make us different. We're not afraid to embed ourselves into your team, get under the skin of your business, seek out business challenges and provide positive results that make a real impact on your bottom line. We pride ourselves on being your business's biggest champions because we're genuinely passionate about working with SMEs.

How Long Is A Partnership Term?

We set our terms as 3 or 6 months, so we have enough time to deliver the results and execute the bespoke plan we put together for you. However, we have clients who have been with us for a number of years because of our proactive and personable approach. Long term relationships lead to the best successes, as we seek out business challenges and solutions together.

I'm Not Sure Which Channels To Get Started With - Can You Help?

Absolutely! Whether you know exactly where you need to fill in the gaps or you need a full overhaul, we can help.

Here at The Good Marketer, we appreciate that you might not have the resources to invest in all channels immediately. We can create a digital strategy that is bespoke for your brand and in line with KPIs that we agree on together. This document will outline a strategic plan of the work, tests and optimisations we will do each month and will also highlight when we expect to introduce new channels and capitalise on bigger opportunities. Book a call to outline what you're looking to achieve and find out more!