Google Advertising Agency

Work with our team of experts, and stay ahead of the game.

With the amount of information available on the web, getting seen in your potential customers’ searches isn’t easy. But it is possible when you know how!

The theory: Google ranking systems allow the search engines to sort through hundreds of billions of webpages in a nanosecond (!) matching people to what they need.

Google themselves explain this by saying: …algorithms look at the words in a query, the relevance and usability of pages, and the expertise of sources and location and settings.

The answer: Google offers advertisements that appear in search results on This type of advertising is an extremely effective way of driving relevant traffic to your website at the exact moment that people are searching for your product or service.

The Google Display Network consists of millions of websites across the globe which allows marketers to display their adverts to a range of audiences in multiple formats and businesses can target their ideal customers either locally or worldwide.

But in reality, not everyone who visits your site is going to convert right away - we all research and compare before purchasing. So having a solid remarketing strategy in place is crucial for positive results.

Remarketing through Google Display will bring back the customers who’ve previously engaged but left to ’look around for a bit’. By segmenting those users by their previous actions and intents, and delivering the right message at the right time you’re more likely to convert them into paying customers.

So, if you’re not doing it - call us. And if you are signed up with a Google Advertising agency, but not seeing the benefits - again, call us! Because if you miss this fantastic marketing tool you’re missing out on sales, we promise you.

If you’re selling products online they need to be listed on Google Shopping.

Showing your products at the very top of Google’s search engine results enables your products or services to insert themselves early in the buyer’s journey. Doing so will drive conversions directly from the Search Engine Results Page, achieving impressive ROI.

Driving the right people to a client’s site is not enough to deliver results. Your money will be wasted if you’re then not able to convince them what they need to do next. Or, worse still, it’s too difficult to buy from you so they head straight to your competitors!

To make sure this doesn’t happen, you need landing pages that work hard for you. We’re a full service Google Advertising Agency, ready to build you fast, functional, creative pages that are an extension of your website but designed to convert.

Each touchpoint of your customers’ journey with you should, in an ideal world, be converting into sales. But you need to know how this works and what to do, which is where we can help. 

Using our expertise to full advantage we review your current customer journey. We explore every step of that journey and take action to ensure it’s as smooth as possible. For example, do you have CTAs that do precisely that - call a visitor to take action?  

And are they the actions you want them to take? Call you immediately? Or book a call? Or go straight to the Shopping Basket and don’t ‘Pass Go’!

Do you run regular A/B tests to see if your pages and Google Ads are performing? In other words, what is, or isn’t encouraging people to buy what you’re selling.

When you ask our Google Ads Company to optimise your conversion rates we understand your budget must be used to your benefit. We leave no stone unturned and work with you to leverage the highest Conversion Rates possible.